The new way of living the experience of tasting


Connecting wine people

An unmatched solution to support events promoters, who are always looking for new modalities, contents and interesting proposals for attendees and exhibitors. MEMORvINO creates a more involving and more interactive relationship between wine producer and wine lover.

A fil rouge between physical and digital experience, event after event.

How MEMORvINO works

Each exhibitor has MEMORvINO on his/her table: it allows an exchange of information to take place between the attendee’s smart glass – previously enrolled – and the platform. Easy, quick, fun and “single-touch”.

After the event, the platform on the one hand makes information about available wines and people who tasted them accessible to both promoters and producers, on the other hand allows the wine lover to receive information about her/his tasting experience.
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After the event, a memo e-mail containing data regarding the tasted wines and their corresponding technical file will be sent to each attendee.

No information will ever be lost. In this way it will be forged a better, more continuous relationship between producer and wine lover.

How we create your tasting experience

  • We magnify interaction, organization and communication
  • We streamline and simplify the organizational processes, reducing their costs
  • We get attendees involved and intensify their satisfaction
  • We optimize, accelerate and increase marketing efficiency
  • We measure and analyse the event evolution, by evaluating its success

  • We optimize and make more efficient the attendance to the event
  • We communicate with the attendees in a more effective, targeted way
  • We gather the participants in a single digital environment
  • We simplify and slim down the marketing activities, by decreasing both their costs and their timings

  • You will not ever misplace any information about tasting wines
  • You will get crucial information about the tasting content
  • You will engage in a reliable relationship with the producers
  • You will participate more actively
  • You will prolong your experience even after the end of the tasting event.
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An unparalleled event


Contact us

If you need additional information please contact us. If you are interested in co-creating an event with us, please fill the form and you will be reached back as quickly as possible.

Estimate of fees and costs Form

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